There’s a misconception that you need to keep creating new content every time you share on social media. The truth is there are over 8 different ways you can create posts by repurposing the same 1 piece of content.
For example….Let’s take a simple quote:
1. FB Live & elaborate on your quote
Here’s one of the easiest ways to create content for your Facebook live. If you choose your favourite quote, do you think could talk for a few minutes on it? on what it means?
I’m sure you can! Thats your facebook live. Take a quote and create content around it
2. Quote on its own
Isn’t that same quote another piece of content on it’s own? You’re second piece of content can be two sentences on that quote.
3. Image quote
Using the same quote, create an image featuring that quote. A simple tool to help you achieve this is
4. Moving image quote
Another name for this is an animated quote. A good resource to create this is an app called legend.
5. transcribe into blog post
If you have a website, why not take your facebook live, transcribe it and turn it into a blog post?
You can transcribe your videos at OR
6. transcribe into long fb post
Using the same transcription created in #5 you could create a long form facebook post.
7. pdf report
Use your transcription to create a PDF file and use it as a ‘Free Report’
8. Audio
Rip the Audio from your Facebook Live and offer the audio file
9. youtube
Download your Facebook Live video and upload it to Youtube to create a Youtube video