Cold Market Prospecting
If you are saying that you are not good with new people or cold market strangers…
You are a Liar!
You are a Lying to Yourself!
Just think about your best friend or anyone that you consider a friend.
Think back to how you met.
It may have been weeks, months or years ago.
You may even have to go way back to your days in the playground at school.
But on the day that you first met your friend…
Your friend was a stranger and you didn’t know him… so wasn’t he a cold market?
At that point in time, your relationship with him was “cold.”
So every friend that you had ever met used to be a Cold Market stranger!
But over time, you nurtured that relationship and now you consider that person a friend and you probably talk to him on a regular basis.
In other words, you had to nurture the relationship or it would become cold again.
Warm Markets Can Turn Into Cold Markets
Here is another example.
Think back to your high school (secondary school) days.
Who was your best friend in high school?
Chances are this person is NOT the same person that is your best friend today.
Why is this person no longer your best friend?
Because after school the two of you probably went your separate ways and neither of you took the initiative to nurture the relationship.
Watch this video to learn more:
So, there are 2 lessons here.
1) You Can Convert Cold Market Strangers to Warm Market
You CAN convert any cold market stranger into a warm market because you have done so already in the past.
Everyone that you know in your life was someone that was previously a “cold market” but after consistent nurturing and relationship building, you were able to convert him from a “stranger” to a “friend.”
2) You Must Constantly Nurture the Relationship
If you don’t work on maintaining the relationship by staying in touch, the relationship will deteriorate.If you want to rebuild the relationship, you will have to nurture it just like the way you converted a cold market into a friend.
The nurturing and “staying in touch” is why Follow-Up is so important.
If you want to convert more cold market strangers into prospects quicker, go check out my Foolproof Follow-Up Formula.
The training will save you time and allow you to convert more cold market strangers into interested prospects.
And remember, you CAN meet strangers and build relationships. Don’t fall for the Cold Market Myth!
Simon Chan
P.S. Go check out my Foolproof Follow-Up Formula. It contains detailed strategies on how to use Facebook effectively and other tricks you can do to stay in touch with the people you meet each day. You’ll get a video, audio training program along with a 31 page ebook that summarizes the lessons for you. Click here to learn more.