You Must Properly Promote Your Trainings
You need to pay attention to this post if you are a MLM Leader who is currently doing your own team trainings or you see yourself as doing future trainings soon.
You worked hard at preparing the trainings.
But that is only half of what makes a training successful.
Most people forget the other half.
And that is you MUST work hard to PROMOTE your trainings.
If no one shows up, then all the hard work that you put in is wasted.
None of the content matters if no one attends!
So promoting a training is just as important as preparing the content.
Your Trainings Are Entertainment
A big part of my success as a MLM Trainer is I consider myself an “entertainer” and every training is an entertainment event.
Not only do I have to make the training fun (content) but I have to do what entertainment companies do (such as movies, concerts, sports events, etc.) which is to promote, promote and promote!
We are living in a world with nonstop entertainment that is available 24/7.
We must work hard to promote our trainings.
Why Take Time and Energy to Promote Your Trainings?
You may ask yourself why you should take the time to promote your training especially if it is a weekly ongoing event.
Here are a few important reasons why:
1) People Forget
The weeks go by fast and it is very easy for distributors to forget that it’s time for their weekly training again.
Since you prepared the training, it may be the only thing on your mind but your distributors have so many other things going on that they easily forget.
2) You Need to Constant Get People Excited
People get lazy and will come up with excuses to do other things that are more run. (like watching Monday Night Football, Dancing with the Stars, going out with their friends)
If you don’t remind them of the trainings, they will very easily just skip it.
When you promote your trainings remind them, it creates guilt and reminds them of what they should be doing with their time.
It increases their chance of saying no to the distractions and focus on their business.
How to Promote Your Trainings
The more ways you promote your trainings the better.
Here are some common ways:
1) Phone
If your team is large you may not be able to call everyone but if you only have a few distributors, you should always call to remind them.
One of the common methods that I used successfully in the past is to send a voice broadcast (automated call) to everyone in my organization on the mornings of my trainings each week
2) Email
Make a quick and simple but get them excited
3) Facebook Group Post
If you have a Team Group page, make sure you post and tag the key leaders so that they see it
4) Facebook Message
Many people don’t check emails nowadays and sometimes your mass emails get filtered to spam.
An effective way around this is to copy and paste the message to your team members
5) Text
Group text messaging is easy, simple and cheap.
Sometimes your downlines are out and not online and this makes sure you are still able to let them know
6) Instant Messaging
When my team was small, my leaders and I would instant message all our downlines about an hour before the training call. You would be shocked that 25% of the distributors would thank us cause they had “forgotten”
What To Promote
You promote the obvious such as time and date of the training but more importantly you give them a preview of what will be covered.
Remember, to get them excited about the training.
Think about what TV shows do each week to get you to watch next week’s episode.
Get them excited!
When To Promote
If possible, promote your trainings at least 2 – 3 times a week.
Because people forget.
They need the repetition.
And if anyone ever complains about too much promotion, they are probably the ones that will quit the business anyway… so who cares what they think?!
At minimum, you definitely need to promote the MORNING of the training.
This reminds them of the urgency and again, prevents them from yes to other obligations.
If you promote 3 days in advance and forget the morning of… you know what happens?
Yes… your downlines will forget again!
Good marketers always promote the day of the event so make sure you promote your trainings that day it is held to give one last reminder.
Who To Promote Your Trainings To
Asides from promoting to your downlines you can also promote to your prospects who are about to join your business!
If someone is on the fence and haven’t made the final decision to commit, you can use the Training Event as an incentive for them to join.
If you promote the Training enough and big it something they do not want to miss, you will get them to take action.
For example, this is something you can say.
“This week we have a special training on the weight loss products that you do not want to miss. If you skip it you can always catch it later on but you want to watch this training live by our special leader who has had 5 customers lose weight on the products. The training is on Monday night and if you get started now, you’ll be able to attend it immediately.”
Video On How to Promote Your Trainings
Watch this video below:
Remember to Promote Promote Promote
You worked hard on preparing for your training so make sure it has the audience that it deserves.
Always remember to promote, promote and promote!
Without proper reminders and promotions your distributors will forget to attend. Don’t take the risk.
Now start promoting your trainings now!
Simon Chan
P.S. Go get my MLM Meetings Mastery course if you want detailed tips and strategies on how to run more profitable MLM opportunity meetings.
From webinars… to 1 on 1 meetings… to home meetings… to luncheon meetings… to hotel meetings, and much much more, MLM Meetings Mastery is a complete A to Z guide on everything you need to know to convert more prospects into distributors.