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we’re going to talk about how create better social media content so that you get higher quality prospects
The first step is to know who you want to target so let’s go into today’s Lesson
—– Lesson of the Day —–
Quick Guide to Marketing Avatars So You Can Create Better Social Media Content
Before you create content, you should know who you are marketing avatar is
That basically means your target audience
and that person is generally the person you were BEFORE you got started in your business
Watch this video to learn more
In the video, you’ll discover:
→ What’s an Avatar
→ How to come up with your Avatar
→ How to overcome your fear of posting
—– Consistency Pep Talk —–
How Convicted Are You?
How Convicted Are You?
If you’re struggling to close or stay consistent or to close sales,
it’s because of your lack of CONVICTION.
As an entrepreneur, you often have to sell something that doesn’t exist yet.
→ If you have to act like it’s happened already
Here are 4 beliefs you constantly have to work on each day
1) Belief in your products / services
2) Belief in your company
3) Belief in the profession
4) Belief in yourself
Make sure you work on these 4 beliefs everyday because
→ “Conviction pays to the tune of 6 and 7 figures”
Watch the full pep talk on Facebook or Instagram
—– Toolbox —–
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